Tau Beta Pi

The Engineering Honor Society

Who are We?

Tau Beta Pi is The Engineering Honor Society that represents engineers of all disciplines. We have been maintaining integrity and excellence since founded at Lehigh University in 1885.
Why Join?

To be recognized by your peers as being a distinguished scholar with exemplary character.

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Who Can Join?

Learn the scholastic requirements to join as an undergraduate or graduate student, alumni, or practicing engineer.

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Check out this short video at a Tau Beta Pi Convention with interviews from TBP members.

Our Mission

As the only academic honor society that confers recognition on eligible individuals from all engineering disciplines, Tau Beta Pi:
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Recognizes those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Maters by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering.

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Provides leadership and professional development training for engineering students and alumni members.

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Promotes lifelong alumnus member involvement and cultivates a community of dedicated high achievers.

Tau Beta Pi by the numbers:


Founded June 15, 1885


And more awarded annually in support of education


Collegiate Chapters


Total Initiated Members

Member Testimonials

Michael B. – 2022 Scholarship Recipient

Michael B.Throughout my collegiate career, one of my most important goals was to be around talented individuals who can help me grow as an engineer and as a person. Having the opportunity to join fellow student engineers with the same mindset granted me a community where all members are valued and willing to help one another and give back to their community. Tau Beta Pi became more than just a resume bullet point; it became a community where I can give back, thrive, and learn from others. I was able to make not only connections but friends that I will remember for a lifetime, and earn a scholarship that helped me complete my college career.

Member Testimonials

Kester N. – Former President at Tennessee Tech University

Kester N.Tau Beta Pi helped me embrace not only being an engineer but also pursuing integrity and excellence at the heart of everything I do. I have been able to form lifelong connections with countless students outside my discipline and across the nation, and TBP has helped me grow as a leader and has given me so many opportunities that I would have never imagined upon being initiated.

Member Testimonials

Julia W. – Chapter President at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville

Julia W.Growing up, I was that kid who always loved math and science, which led me to pursue engineering. Joining Tau Beta Pi allowed me to meet engineering majors with whom I otherwise would not have crossed paths. It also provided me with leadership opportunities and has pushed me to improve my abilities resulting in skills that I can take beyond college.

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2024 Executive Council Electees

Check out the Press Releases.


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