Role of Tau Beta Pi's Advisors
2004 TBP Annual Convention, Friday, Oct. 8, 2004, Orlando , FL.
I. Provide Support
- Help student leaders to know the available resources (chapter, District, national, alumni).
- Provide the continuity for the "traditional" projects.
- Know who the DDs are and how to contact them (website).
- Be a liaison between DD and chapter.
- District Director (DD) should help track status of the chapter and communicate to that info to all advisors.
- DDs should (definitely) include advisors on all communications that go to the chapter officers.
- Publicize District meetings and encourage participation. (District budget?)
- Advisors should attend District and national meetings and Conventions so they know what is going on.
- Chapter officers should assign advisors to committees and set advisor expectations.
- Assign each advisor an area of the chapter for responsibility (budget, checkbook, membership, surveys, service projects). Can use the Chapter Growth Cycle to delegate tasks among advisors.
- Advisors should participate in social events and projects to get to know the students.
- Provide leadership of "last resort." If things are not on track, give a push to get on track.
- Be involved in ICE groups; sit in and listen to concerns.
- Help establish a requirement for involvement. Advisor should back the President and be clear up front before initiation of what will be required in the future.
- Should have an advisor from each engineering discipline and/or department.
II. Set the Example (as a Mentor)
- Provide a mentoring relationship for each of the chapter officers.
- Chapter involvement in the advisors' areas of interests (like projects, fund-raising, etc.).
- Should be a supporter of the students and their activities to administration(s) - represent views of students. Be a liaison between chapter and administration(s).
- Try to have an advisor who is a (graduate) student advisor.
III. Develop Leadership
- Advisor should be a guide to the student officers.
- Have patience in developing leadership among the officers.
- Trust and verify, provide positive & constructive feedback to officers.
- Provide for and make sure that there are quarterly chapter meetings.
- Be actively involved in the Advisory Board process and meetings. Ensure valid elections, consideration of exemplary character, etc.
- Advisor should be a motivator of the chapter to get members to participate
- Awards recognition
- Feel good about successfully accomplishing goals and objectives.
- Advisor is the voice of experience and reason - the continuity.
- Be aware of what should happen and when relative to your university and within the confines of the national reporting requirements.
- Help promote TBP programs and projects - local and national ones - in/out of the classroom.
- Be a resource of general information for the chapter.
- Identify and develop future chapter leaders.
- Handle the details of the officer transitions, passing of the torch.
- Chief advisor should motivate other advisors - if needed. Recommend replacement of non-motivated advisors.
Source: Brainstorming Session, Ideas for the Role of Advisor (Summarized and categorized by Darrell Donahue)